To the Good - Steve Filosa

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Advisor to funders and nonprofits providing strategic plans, board development, fundraising, executive coaching, and other counsel.
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Steve Filosa
As the Founder of To the Good, Steve advises organizations and individuals on strategic planning, board development, and fundraising. For 20 years, Steve was the Founding Executive Director of Prep@Pingree, Pingree School’s groundbreaking, year-round, academic enrichment, scholarship, and jobs program for underserved students and adults. He was a Founding Board member of Steppingstone Foundation’s National Partnership for Educational Access and served as a trustee of the North Shore YMCA, Ipswich Education Foundation, Stoneridge Montessori School, and Bellesini Academy. Steve earned a B.S. in mathematics from Tufts University and a J.D. from Suffolk University Law School while working full-time. He is a member of the Massachusetts Bar Association. Steve and his wife raised three children in Ipswich and now reside in Boston.