SeniorCare Inc.


Senior Services

About Us

Founded in 1972 as a 501c3 non-profit corporation, SeniorCare Inc. works closely with federal and state agencies, is a federally designated Area Agency on Aging (AAA) and a state designated Aging Service Access Point (ASAP). With offices in Gloucester and Beverly, SeniorCare’s service area includes Beverly, Essex, Gloucester, Hamilton, Ipswich, Manchester-by-the-Sea, Rockport, Topsfield, and Wenham. SeniorCare depends on fundraising for a significant portion of its annual budget.

SeniorCare is a consumer-centered organization, providing and coordinating services to elders and others, enabling them to live independently at home or in a setting of their choice while remaining part of their community. Each year, we assist thousands of elders, families, caregivers, and adults with disabilities to carry out our mission. We believe in a consumer-directed and person-centered model where the person's choices are honored and the preservation of their dignity is first and foremost.

SeniorCare Inc. is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. All contributions made to the agency are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.

SeniorCare Inc. and its programs are funded in whole, or in part, by contracts with/or grants from the Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs, the Federal Administration for Community Living and other funding sources.

Read more about SeniorCare at The Giving Common,a detailed, online resource that connects you to in-depth information about nonprofit organizations working to enhance communities across Massachusetts.


Care Manager for Older Adults
Category: Non-Profit and Social Services
Full-Time Care Manager 35 hours per week M-F SeniorCare Inc. is currently looking for a dedicated Care Manager to join our team on a full-time basis. In this role, you will play a crucial part in providing consumer-centered assessments and facilitating the authorization, coordination, and monitoring of services for elderly individuals, enabling them to lead independent lives within their more
Phone:(978) 281-1750
Fax:(978) 281-1753
Protective Service Caseworker for High-Risk Elders
Category: Non-Profit and Social Services
This is a full-time position, 35 hours per week, M-F. SeniorCare Inc. is seeking to hire a Protective Service Caseworker for High-Risk Elders. The Caseworker performs investigations, service planning and other responsibilities necessary to prevent, eliminate, mitigate or remedy the effects of abuse to an elder. Abuse can take many forms including financial, physical, emotional, sexual and more
Phone:(978) 281-1750
Fax:(978) 281-1753
Protective Services Supervisor for High-Risk Older Adults
Category: Non-Profit and Social Services
SeniorCare Inc. is seeking to hire an energetic and detail-oriented team member to join our face-paced Protective Services Department. As a Protective Services Supervisor you will be responsible for the clinical, administrative, and supportive supervision of the Protective Services Case Workers. The PSS will provide daily oversight and individual supervision to the protective service workers to more
Phone:(978) 281-1750
Fax:(978) 281-1753
Per Diem Meals on Wheels Driver
Category: Non-Profit and Social Services
Working for SeniorCare Inc. to deliver Meals on Wheels is more than a job – it’s an opportunity to make a meaningful difference in people’s lives. SeniorCare has a mission: helping older adults and people with disabilities live independently in their homes while remaining part of the community. SeniorCare Inc. is seeking a per-diem driver to fill in when needed.We seek a punctual, dependable, more
Phone:(978) 281-1750
Fax:(978) 281-1753

Rep/Contact Info

Scott Trenti