Rockport New Year's Eve, Inc.

Community & Civic OrganizationsRockport Services
About Us
Rockport New Year’s Eve (RNYE) is a family-friendly year-end celebration of the arts held in downtown Rockport, Massachusetts annually since 1997. Halls, churches, town offices, and some streets are taken over by happy revelers celebrating the New Year.
Throughout the year, RNYE keeps friends informed of ongoing activities and events via an email list. Emails are occasional and include news and informative articles about performers and events. Please sign up below if you are interested.
A primary goal of RNYE is to keep this event affordable for everyone. Purchase of a button provides entrance into all of the events on New Year’s Eve. But the revenue generated from button sales does not cover the cost of this event and RNYE relies heavily on sponsors and donations. Please donate below if you are inspired to help. RNYE appreciates your generosity and community spirit!
RNYE also sincerely thanks its many volunteers, without whom this event could not go on!