The Servant of Two Masters

Date and Time
Friday Aug 23, 2024 Sunday Sep 8, 2024
Friday August 23rd, 7PM
Saturday August 24th, 7PM
Sunday August 25th, 2PM & 7PM
Thursday August 29th, 7PM
Friday August 30th, 7PM
Saturday August 31st, 7PM
Sunday September 1, 7PM
Thursday September 5th, 7PM
Friday September 6th, 7PM
Saturday September 7th, 7PM
Sunday September 8th, 7PM
Windhover Performing Arts Center, 257R Granite Street, Rockport, MA 01966
Tickets are $25 for General Admission, and $45 for Premium (first three rows). The 7PM showing on Sunday August 25th is a financially accessible show, where tickets are $5 each. If you can pay more than that, we ask that you bring cash to the performance, or donate the remaining $10 or $20 or $40 to us at
Contact Information
Lanes Coven Theater Co (Lily Narbonne or Justin Genna)
Send Email

The Servant of Two Masters is a commedia-del'arte play, originally written in 1746. We'll be adapting it, as we do, and you can expect a farce, with mistaken identity, masks, silly power dynamics, and high-energy staging!