Gloucester Speaks film screening

Date and Time
Sunday Aug 11, 2024
7:00 PM - 10:00 PM EDT
The Cut
177 Main Street
Gloucester, MA 01930
General Admission Seating, $15

All Ages (Under 18 must be accompanied by a parent. 18 & over must have Positive. I.D). 7:00pm doors / 7:45pm start
General Admission Seating, $15
The filmmaker, Shep Abbott will be in attendance for a Q & A following the film.
In 2015, we began production on "Gloucester Speaks” in advance of our 400th Anniversary, to record in a video documentary the voices and activities of our citizens during this disruptive period of change. The reduction of traditional fish stocks and resulting strict state regulations on fishermen has led to social, cultural and economic challenges never before experienced by the oldest fishing port in America. Beginning in 1606, when Samuel de Champlain named Gloucester Harbor "Le Beauport”, Gloucester, through the voices of its citizens, speaks to the enormity of our reliance on one of the world’s greatest fisheries, revealing the towering achievements and innovations, along with the slow but sure depletion of the fishery through advances in technology and the pressure of demand, along with the effects of pollution and global warming. In this documentary, covering the eight years leading up to 2023, as well as the 400 years preceding it, the citizens tell the story of a great American City’s unique struggle to remain true to Le Beauport.